For over 30 years, Prof Hermon Taylor has been researching the role of MAP in the causation of Crohn’s disease and has been at the forefront of the science to develop a cure. In the latest paper ‘Global warming’ to Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis from the Centre for Digestive Diseases in Australia, researchers highlight that theories once considered controversial can become accepted by the mainstream as scientific techniques improve. We are now reaching that point where the body of evidence linking MAP to Crohn’s is becoming so great, even the most ardent sceptic will find it difficult to dispute.

“The concept of CD being triggered by a Mycobacterium is gaining momentum with the advent of new molecular techniques and cytogenetics.
Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) is once again coming under the microscope due to the increased ability to detect its genetic signature. This is the best contender for a causative microorganism of CD which infects macrophages and disrupts the microbicidal and immune signaling function of these immune cells.”

The Crohn’s MAP Vaccine represents probably the most exciting treatment breakthrough in Crohn’s disease since Dr Burrill Crohn classified the disease in 1932, but don’t take our word for it; look at what the world-renowned team in Australia had to say in their paper published in July:

Developing therapeutic vaccination
One of the most exciting developments from John Hermon-Taylor’s laboratory is the anti-MAP vaccine capable of driving MAP from infected tissues [20]. It is envisaged that the stimulation of immune responses in the CD host, contrary to current immune-suppression, will be another co-therapy in the eradication of the intracellular pathogen/s driving the chronic inflammation in CD.

Behind the excitement today about Vedolizumab, a new treatment for Crohn’s, is another tale which does not get the attention it deserves. That story is the financial and human cost of treatments that only manage, but do not cure Crohn’s.

A lifetime of treatment is estimated to cost the NHS up to £720 million per year, which puts the financial burden on par with other chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancer.” (Daily Mail, 28th Aug 2014)

Those figures show the current treatment costs, but if every patient in the UK with Crohn’s was treated with Vedolizumab (£12,000 per patient, per year) Crohn’s would cost £2 Billion a year, every year to treat. Treatments that manage, but do not cure are not cost effective and that is before you consider the side effects and inconvenience of needing regular infusions.

Unlike CCUK who today said:

Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis are life-long incurable conditions and we welcome a new treatment option for people living with these debilitating illnesses.” (CCUK, Facebook page, 28th Aug 2014)

  • We believe Crohn’s can be cured.
  • We believe it need not be a life long condition.
  • We believe more funding needs to be made available to complete research into MAP, as this is the only route to a potential cure backed by years of scientific studies and hundreds of research papers.

So, before you celebrate the arrival of a new treatment, learn more about the potential cure and support the Crohn’s MAP Vaccine. You support will make this happen!

Hot off the press: New Research Paper!

New research shows that delivery of MAP from showers and river aerosols may be routes of human exposure to the bacteria likely to be the predominant cause of Crohns disease.  This further demonstrates the risk and mechanisms of human infection by MAP.